Italia: || Greece: || Russia: || USA East: || Argentina: || England:
Hi Guys.
Mapdownload with 15kb/s. Not nice. Please help.
Thanks Uni
Hi all.
Does anyone know where can i download an original copy of the dvd. I damaged mine.
New server New problems. Link on Website doesn't work. Don't know how to copy paste. (Old - 71) I enjoy playing with you ISS'ers but I could use some help.
Hello all, tomorrow 17 pm gmt 0 match
Are you interested in joining the sniper league?
To organize something fun!
As a single player, or as a team (specific clan or specific nationality) send a message to the ISS clan admins with these informations: nickname, nation and clan or not.
Necessary to have discord, for communications and also to use the voice channel during games
Actual Teams:
Look into your settings and make sure downloads are turned on m8.
Hi,need help. tried to get in game today, usually a small download will initiate (111mb) & everything will connect. Today download seems blocked & freezes. worked fine yesterday
Thats great Bunky. A reminder that you can easily stream also in Discord.
Hi guys, im going to be making some videos and streaming live of us playing, if you have any objections could you please let me know.
For those who know this team ... i was already banned from their sniper server ... they accused me of cheating because i made i good score ... against bots !
Today , i tried to connect again because a map was turning that i never saw before and i could join ! I played using an other name than [ISS]SEAWOLF .... i made 3 maps with good scores ... and again i was already accused of cheating ! The player accused me of using a WH while he was just standing on sand ... hahaha ! I asked one of their admins to spec me ... but he must be offended to see a better player than him and he banned me !
This [HCC] team is just a looser team ... those who beat them are inevitably cheaters and banned ! Playing on [HCC] server is just a waste of time ! Hopeless team .... you when I shoot the shit out of ya lol.
Love it m8....Real nice editing buddy.
In french we call that "un rageux" ... a guy who is getting nearly mad while he plays !
Here a young german boy playing Unreal Tournament .... really scary !!
Nice videos !!! Back to the future with the first COD's
Hi guys
I saw you talking to a guy today about his YT video and that reminded me that I did one years ago...I was a lot slower then and needed to sharpen up, anyway here it is.
and another Montage
and another
The program is called: Mod Tools, you find more info here:
Hello Friends, I have got a question. GP and some other has build fantastic maps. What kind of programs i need for build and configure a map? Is it very difficult? About the time i dont need to ask for.
Thanks for your answers.
Greetz Marcel aka Frisian
Ciao Marcello, at the top of the right column in the community section, click * join the issclan. Read and then fill in and send the form that appears by clicking on "M O D U L O"
Hello Friends of Scopes,
i don´t know if may request was correct so i do it here official in the forum. My Name is Marcel (Marcelo, ITA), i am 39 years old and live in Germany. Most or some of you know me a long time since i´ve joined first time Sniper Servers. I was part of the earlier *DST* Crew before they ended the Sniper Scenario. Afterwards i have joined the FMJ Crew but not for a long time. The Server are mostly empty and finally many of the changed to play Freeze Tag.
My request is to become a Member of the ISS Family.
Former Names are D3MON, RUFi0 and FrisianBlood but my Nickname is Frisian.
Thats a short introduction of myself. I hope to see and maybe to shoot you on the ISS Server.
Greetz Marcel(o) aka Frisian
It should all be automatic, the new update is 20.5